

时间Time流程环节 Event Segment时间Time流程环节 Event Segment
9:00- 10:00AG旗舰厅全体员工大合影,方案设计大赛员工合影
Group Photo of All Watchdata Leaders and Employees,Group Photo of Employees for the Solution Design Competition                              Location: Watchdata Shunyi Campus
Registration, Token Draw, and Game Passport Collection                                                               Location:Off the map restaurant 
10:30-13:40欢乐嘉年华 Joyful Carnival                         :                 ★ 欢乐嘉年华系列活动;Joyful Carnival Series Activities
★ 颁发老照片奖、颁发最佳MV拍摄奖、抽取23年年会心愿纸条幸运奖;Presentation of the Old Photo Award, Best MV Shooting Award, and the Lucky Wish Note Award from the 2023 Annual Party;
★ 北京市仁爱基金会授牌北京AG旗舰厅“爱心企业”。Beijing Renai Foundation awarded Beijing Watchdata Co., Ltd. the title of ‘Caring Enterprise. Awarding Ceremony: Beijing Renai Foundation Grants the “Caring Enterprise” Title to Beijing Watchdata Co., Ltd.
10:30-11:00AG旗舰厅公司签到 Registration
11:00-11:10中国会议室开场China Conference Room Opening
11:10-11:40同种一棵树 Planting a Tree Together
11:40-12:00嘉宾合影留念 Group Photo
12:00-12:15转场地图之外Transition to the off the map
Watchdata 30th Anniversary Celebration Opening Video
14:05-14:20董事长王幼君先生致辞,讲述AG旗舰厅30年发展史                                                                                                                                                                                 Chairman Mr. Wang Youjun Speech:Recounting Watchdata’s 30-year development history.
Segment Video: The history story between Watchdata and me
Bridging video: The historical story of employees and Watchdata
Statement from General manager Ms.Song Jinyan:Sharing cutting-edge industry trends and envisioning future development directions.
14:40-14:48合作伙伴祝福VCR & 合作伙伴颁奖仪式
Partner Blessings VCR& Partner Awards Ceremony
30 Years of dauntless effort,Strive for the future Launch Ceremony
Group Singing: “Together for a shared future”
Star Performers , Excellent Teams, Star Manager Award Ceremony
15:00-17:10威士忌品鉴会 & 观看员工演出
Wiskey Tasting&Watching the employee performance.
15:20-15:30休息 Break
15:30-17:10员工演出Employee performance
员工演出详细流程Detailed schedule of the employee performance.
15:30-17:10特邀嘉宾-腰鼓传统表演Special Guest – Traditional Waist Drum Performance.
董办、行政、印度中东及非洲业务部及信息管理部 — 团队舞蹈《 I am the best》                                                              Chairman’s Office, Administration, India, Middle East & Africa Business Department, and Information Management Department — Team Dance ‘I Am the Best’.
质量、金融、AG旗舰厅慧通 — 歌曲串烧《着魔、Can’t Take My Eyes Off You、姑娘》                                                                 Quality, Finance, Watchdata Huitong — Song Medley: ‘Possessed, Can’t Take My Eyes Off You, Girl.’
特邀嘉宾-京剧传统表演 Special Guest – Traditional Peking Opera Performance.
幸运奖抽取 Lucky Draw
中间及系统软件开发部 — 双人舞《爱的华尔兹》                                                                                                                     Middleware and System Software Development Dept. — Duet Dance ‘Waltz of Love.’
三等奖抽取 Third Prize Draw.
AG旗舰厅慧通—团队荧光舞《奇趣世界》Watchdata Huitong — Team Glow Dance ‘Wonderful World.’
二等奖抽取 Second Prize Draw
15周年员工颁奖仪式 15 Years Employee Rewards
供应链中心 — 团队舞蹈《科目三》、男女对唱《我们都是追梦人》                                                                                          Supply Chain Center — Team Dance ‘Subject Three’ and Male-Female Duet ‘We Are All Dream Chasers.’
方案设计大赛-优秀方案奖、优秀导师奖 颁奖                                                                                               Solution Design Competition-Outstanding Solution Award 、Outstanding Mentor Award
AG旗舰厅印度 — 舞剧《Beast》Watchdata India — Dance Drama ‘Beast.’
一等奖抽取 First Prize Draw.
AG旗舰厅新加坡 — 走秀、团队舞蹈《拼搏三十载,舞蹈芯篇章》                                                                                               Watchdata Singapore — Fashion Show and Team Dance “Thirty Years of Striving, Dance Core ChapterDancing to a New Chapter of Chips”
董事长特别奖颁奖仪式 Chairman’s Special Award Ceremony
特等奖抽取Grand Prize Draw
现场节目评选及颁奖 On-Site Program Evaluation and Awards
全体摇臂 & 穿梭机合影Group Photo with All Participants and Crane & Shuttle Group Photo with Full Jib Arm and Shuttle Camera
全体演职人员,工作人员上台合影All Performers and Staff On-Stage Group Photo

